

JS Compilation Principles

JS Compilation Principles#

var name = "rose";

The above line of code is presented in JS as follows:

var name; // processed during compilation phase
name = "rose"; // processed during execution phase

JS compilation is mainly divided into two phases: compilation phase and execution phase.

Compilation Phase#

The main character in this phase is the compiler.

  • JS searches the scope to see if the variable name exists.
    • If it already exists, it does nothing and ignores the var name declaration, continuing with the compilation.
    • If it doesn't exist, it adds a new name variable to the current scope.
  • The compiler generates the code required by the engine at runtime, and the program enters the execution phase.

Execution Phase#

The main character in this phase is the JS engine.

  • During runtime, the JS engine first searches the current scope to see if there is a variable named name.
    • If it exists, it assigns a value to it.
    • If it doesn't exist, it checks the parent scope to see if it exists there. If not, it continues to search in the higher-level scope.
    • If it is not found in any scope, an exception is thrown.

      Scope within scope, known as scope chain.


The most basic ability of a variable is to store values and allow us to access and modify them, and the rules for storing and accessing variables are called scope.

Global Scope#

The top-level scope outside any function or code block is the global scope, and the variables inside it are global variables.

var name = "rose"; // global scope

function showName() {
  // function scope
  name = "test"; // block scope
showName(); // test

As you can see, global variables can be accessed normally in the global scope, function scope, and block scope.

Function Scope#

The scope inside a function is the function scope.

function showName() {
  var name = "jack"; // function scope
showName(); // method call
  console.log(name); // block scope, Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined
console.log(name); // global scope, Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined

As you can see, variables inside a function cannot be accessed in the global scope or block scope. They can only be accessed within the function, so variables inside a function are also called local variables.

Block Scope#

The let and const keywords introduced in ES6 have their own scope.
Variables declared with const in a code block are also known as local variables.

   let name='rose';

 console.log(name);    //Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined

 function showName{

 showName();    //Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined

As you can see, variables in a block scope cannot be accessed outside the code block.

Scope Chain#

The nesting of scopes creates a scope chain. The scope chain is searched from outside to inside.

Variable Hoisting#

name = "rose";
console.log(name); // rose
var name;

It can be observed that this code can run normally without any errors.
In the eyes of JS, the code is actually like this:

var name;
name = "rose";
console.log(name); // rose

let and const code:

name = "rose";
console.log(name); // Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'name' before initialization
let name;

let and const disable variable hoisting. const must be assigned a value after declaration.

Differences between let, const, and var#

  1. Block Scope: Block scope is created by {}. let and const have block scope, while var does not.
    Block scope solves two problems in ES5:
  • Inner variables may overwrite outer variables.
  • Loop variables used for counting leak into the global scope.
  1. Variable Hoisting: var variables are hoisted, while let and const variables are not hoisted, meaning that variables can only be used after they are declared, otherwise an error will occur.

  2. Adding Properties to the Global Object: The global object in browsers is window, and in Node.js it is global. Variables declared with var become global variables and are added as properties to the global object, but let and const variables are not.

  3. Redeclaration: var allows variables to be redeclared in the same scope, with the later declaration overwriting the earlier one. let and const do not allow variables to be redeclared in the same scope.

  4. Temporal Dead Zone: When using let or const to declare variables, the variables are not accessible until they are initialized. This is known as the temporal dead zone.

Variables declared with var do not have a temporal dead zone.

  1. Initial Value: var and let can be declared without assigning an initial value, while const requires an initial value to be assigned.

  2. Pointer Assignment: Variables created with let can have their pointer reassigned (can be reassigned), but variables created with const cannot have their pointer reassigned (cannot be reassigned).

Temporal Dead Zone#

var name = "rose";

  name = "bob";
  let name; // Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'name' before initialization

If there is let or const in a block, the block forms a closed scope for variables declared with these keywords from the beginning.
Because JS is aware that name is declared with let in the current code block, it adds the restriction of the temporal dead zone to this variable name, and it doesn't stick its head out.
Therefore, if we remove the let name; above, the program can still run normally, and the value of name can be successfully changed to bob, which means it sticks its head out normally according to the rules of the scope chain.

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